About Us

Made With Love

Since 2008, Heavenly Desserts have provided the very finest in delectable sweet treats. We continue to be an innovator and trendsetter in the world of luxury desserts, ensuring that we always offer our customers an exciting experience that tastes of innovation and l’art de vivre.


Our Heavenly History

Founded in 2008, Heavenly Desserts is successfully operated and managed by the directors, Mohammad Imran & Yousif Aslam. It’s through their dedication and desire that word of Heavenly Desserts delicious creations quickly spread throughout the UK, allowing them to expand the company both nationally and internationally.

Presentation is Key

Our Brand

Attention-to-detail, creativity and innovation continues to be the soul of Heavenly Desserts and combined with our dedication to achieving perfection, we promise to provide all of our customers with an unrivalled dining experience.

Our customers are able to relax, enjoy the diverse range of desserts and discover our latest seasonal creations. Whether you are keen to try a new taste sensation or want to repeat your experience tasting one of our classic treats, we promise to deliver the same superior dining experience in all of our outlets.

Our Creations

Our creative process begins with the original design concept and then proceeds to incorporate a distinctive design that is finally crafted to perfection. Using a high level of skill and workmanship, combined with the finest ingredients, our creations are brought to life with great care and attention to detail. We create desserts where each experience is crowned by a distinctive look and fine craftsmanship; our approach to serving delicious desserts is as sumptuous as haute-couture.

Our Values